Scrutinizing the Indian Reasearch and Development

Among various factors of growth of an sector, one prime factor is  its scientific & technological development and research and development( R&D) in it.
R&D plays crucial part in enhancing, modernizing and improving stuff whether it is agriculture, Technology ,energy , power ,art or other sectors of economy. 

Developed countries had  invested huge amount of potential and credit to their research and development field.
Countries like -sweden ,norway, germany,usa , china etc.


Taking example of green revolution in India and world the research and development in field of agriculture has led to improving the output of agriculture as well as achieving the food quality quantity and self sufficiency to the countries

scenerio of india in R&D
  • india contribution in 2015 was about .85% of gdp
  • in 2016 it increased a little , a positive measure indeed.
  • with upcoming decade  india had jumped into R&D field realsing it potential
  • in 2016 about 943  mnc in india were with 1,208 R&d centre , some mncs have multiple units in country.
links that will help you :

 way forward  :-
  • Needed policy intervention by govt like complete elecrified vehicles by 2030 , research park setup etc.
  • Credit and funding to companies, entreprenuers , institutions - iit , iisc, csir etc
  • Promoting R&D , creating awareness and institutional setup.
In modern and developing countries R&D is inalienable. we need clear policies and balanced development inorder to meet the SDG''s ( sustainable develepmonet goals ) along with  growth of nation and society. hopefully india is moving towards it and will tap it potential and capabilities in coming decade.


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