causing factors of cancer and its prevention.

Cancer only leaads to 22% death globally. Death caused by cancers are relatively high as compared to other diseases. it is leading cause of disease in soth east asia.There are many contributing factors , prime among them is ones lifestyle.
A person suffers from cancer either by birth or during his life span. The common age where cancer is detected in human being is generally between 40-70 years.


In cancer survival rate at 1 year for cancer patient is 34.3-35.7% which gradually decreases to 8.6-10.1%


According to indian public health standard. indian states having health standards are:
highest health standard : tamilnadu and karnataka
lowest health standard :  assam , bihar, jharkaand


There are various factors which results in cancer. among them feware :
1. Over exposure to sunlight, generally seen in workers.
2. Exposure to chemicals causing cancer. workers working in chemical industtries are more prone to cancer.
3. Air pollution.
4. Unhelathy life style of person and unhealthy diet.
5. Lack of physical fitness, exercise.


1. Creating awareeness in society such as promoting for healthy workplace, healthy lifestyle, fitness.
2. Regular checkups are needed compulsory  for person above 40 years as well as checkups for other age persons in a year regularly.
3.  Allowing a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly
4. Avoiding use of alcohol and tobacos.
5. Increasing availability of trained personals and experts, increasing healthcare facilities in rural as well as in urban areas.
6. Avoiding blind faith in superstitions, religious dynamics and traditional methods.


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